Harp and Piano Lesson Info
Time/Frequency: Lessons can be either 30 minutes or 45 minutes
Lessons can be weekly or every other week.
Lessons can be Monday-Friday 8am-6pm depending on what days/times I have available. The available times on Saturday and Sunday in the booking process is for Harp/Piano Performances only, If you book any type of lessons on Saturday or Sunday I will cancel the lessons and have you reschedule lessons for a day and time I have available during the week.
Cost: In studio/Online- $21 for 30 min. $36 for 45min
In Home- $26 for 30min. $41 for 45min.
Genres: Piano- Classical, Popular music,
Harp- Cassical, Celtic, Folk, Popular music, East Asian.
Ages: 5-90
Experience Levels: No Experience, Beginners,
and Intermediate.
Harp Students: Teacher can help students find a rental harp or help student purchase a harp.
Current Availability for In Studio lessons: *These are start times I have.
Monday: 9am-10am, 12:30-1pm, 2pm-3:30pm, 5:45-6pm
Tuesday: 8am-10:30, 12:30-1:30
Wednesday: 8am-10:30am, 12:30-3pm, 5:30-6pm
Thursday: 8am-10:30am, 12:30-2:30pm
Friday: 2pm and 6pm
Location: Lessons can be online, In Studio or In Home if student is located near teacher.
Studio Location: 15th street Idaho falls Idaho. Message River for full Studio Address
Payment Options and Booking lessons: You can book and pay for lessons via this website or you can message River at 208-716-2878 to set up lessons and set up different payment plan .
Other payment Options are: Venmo, Cash, Check, or Zelle.
Filling a Form: when filling out a form please provide you phone number and some info on the student -Age -Name -Music history -If you want piano or harp lessons -If you want 30min or 45min -If you want Online, In home, or In Studio -If you need help in finding a harp
Piano Students: Students must have access to piano or keyboard that has weighted keys and attachable pedal.
Current Availability for In Home lessons: *These are start times I have.
Monday: 9am-10am, 12:30-1pm, 2pm-3:30pm, and 6pm
Tuesday: 8am-10:30, and 12:30
Wednesday: 8am-10:30am, 12:30-3pm, 5:30-6pm
Thursday: 8am-10:30am, 12:30-2:30pm
Friday: 2pm and 6pm
River’s Music Studio Policies
Payments: Lessons must be paid for in 5 lesson pack before first lesson date.
Practice: The student must have access to a piano or harp to practice on. Electric pianos are acceptable if the piano has weighted keys and attachable pedal. I ask that parents play recommended cd in the background for student(s) any chance they get. For younger students I ask that the parents help their child during practice. Parents should help remind their child to practice.
Recitals: I encourage Students to attend any recitals I might host during
the year.
Cancelation’s: Lessons cancelled with a 24-hour notice are eligible for rescheduling for later in the week. Canceled Lessons that are not rescheduled will not be refunded/ credited. Missed lessons will also not be refunded/ credited. If given a month’s notice lessons can be missed and paid lesson will be credited towards next lesson attended.